
Refined Fire's Weekly Clips: Vol. I

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Refined Fire's Weekly Clips: Vol. I



This is a mini ebook that includes one month of faith-filled food. Refined Fire is a ministry that also has a Christian Apparel store. We specialize in standing for and ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Currently, that is in the form of writing. Yet, we are continually growing. We are continually building. Weekly, we send subscribers clips of faith-filled food, encouragement, edification, and exhortation. This mini ebook will give you a taste of what's being given. Some may call these clips, blogs, and some may call them newsletters, but it is ministry, and ministry-focused. There is a lesson here for each week, for the next four weeks. May it fuel you, encourage you, edify you, and charge you to live for God with greater resilience, greater determination, and greater accountability.

Week #1

Hey Family! It’s ya girl here and I am bringing to you, yet another clip to feed your faith and charge you to submit, surrender and obey God more effectively!

Today, the Holy Spirit wanted me to tell you, "It is well”!

Sometimes we can go through so much pain that we forget that we can rest in God, we forget how to rest in God. Sometimes we don’t understand that rest is possible.

Yet, remember the Shunammite woman? She believed in the anointing of Elisha, she believed in the God in him so much that she made her home available to accompany him and give him provisions as he consistently passed by on his journeys. Out of gratitude, Elisha wanted to do something for her in return and after asking her if she had any requests, after asking about what he could do to repay her, she replied in such modesty because it was never about reciprocation. So, she made him aware that she has what she needs, and that she is supported by her own people. Gehazi, Elisha’s servant then pointed out the fact that she did not have a son. So, Elisha then prophesied a son for her. Now as we read on……. 

And the child grew up. One day, he went out to his father, to the reapers. When he had taken him and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died. And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, shut the door, and went out. Then she called to her husband, and said, “Please send me one of the young men and one of the donkeys, that I may run to the man of God and come back.” So, he said, “Why are you going to him today? It is neither the New Moon nor the Sabbath.” And she said, “It is well.”

II Kings 4:18‭, ‬20‭-‬23

The child grows up, gets sick, and dies. Yet her faith caused her to act in a way that was unforgettable. Her immediate reaction was to find the man of God. She knew that she needed God and the power of God in a way that she had never experienced before and in a way that left her helpless. So, she sought the servant of God and when her husband asked why she was seeking the man of God that particular day, she replied, “It is well.”

Keep in mind that this woman had enough faith in a time in her life that most wouldn’t have made it through. A time when her son died, but it was a time when the urgency for God motivated movement. Even upon her husband's inquiry, she didn’t waver, she didn’t fall apart, she didn’t question, she held on to faith and replied in a way that encouraged faith and rests in her husband. This is amazing because how many of us can stand in faith in the most treacherous times of our lives and encourage faith in someone else during it? In a way where they won’t worry, fret or fear but rest? That is what the tool of faith looks like, that is what growth in it looks like because it comes from a place where you know that God will “make perfect that which concerns you,” and you know it enough that your stance declares in spite of, it is well. No matter what it looks like. No matter the timeline. No matter what it feels like. No matter what the enemy is trying to accomplish in it. 

God wants you to not only know that it is well despite what you see but he wants you to have enough faith to trust that it is well despite what you perceive, despite what you are conscious of, despite what you realize and despite your understanding. That kind of faith will cause you to think, feel and operate from a place of victory, a place of an overcomer as you dwell in praise, move in the confidence that it is already done, and live in gratitude. That kind of faith is the key to finding and dwelling in rest.

God is telling you today that "It is well!" Choose to trust God and rest in the mindset that it is well. I know that it seems impossible, but it is well. I know that it feels overwhelming, but it is well. I know that it feels like it’s breaking you, but it is well. You are an overcomer. You are more than a conqueror and as you choose faith, you will accomplish growth. Your choice to choose faith shows that you value growth and it is growth that will clear the path to your victory. Be encouraged Guys. Till next time.

Thanks for listening, yet again family! May the Lord bless and keep you throughout your week and make his face shine upon you! Be sure to spread the Word of God to somebody, you never know who needs it.

Week # 2

Hey Family! It’s ya girl here and I am bringing to you yet another clip to feed your faith and charge you to submit, surrender and obey God more effectively!

This week, the Holy Spirit wanted me to tell you to “Be Still,” and I must obey God.

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Psalms 46:10 NKJV

Understand that being still means to wait, don’t move, don’t be moved. It means don’t jump ship, don’t move prematurely, and don’t move in you, your might, or your power. It means to hold on, it means to wait on God, to wait on God’s instructions. It means to ground yourself until you see the salvation of the Lord or hear the instructions of the Lord.

Being still is not easy, especially when we know that faith without works is dead. However, we are deceived to forget or not see that being still is an action in itself. It is work by itself. It takes work because it is not easy to turn over your will, turning over what you think that you should be doing. It is not easy yielding your actions to only what thus says the Spirit when the world says that you should be doing something else; when the world seemingly proves that it is more effective to do something else. It is not easy to relinquish control and allow God to take the wheel. It takes work to do so. It takes consistent and intense prayer, consistent discipline, consistent belief, and consistently choosing belief versus what you think, what you feel, what you see, or even what you feel like you know. It takes diligence to refuse to act in you, your might, your thinking, and your emotions.

In this season, until God moves, he wants you to be still. While being still, it is your responsibility to prepare. It is your responsibility to grow closer to God, it is your responsibility to commit yourself like never before to developing Christ-like fruits: Christ-like characteristics. It is your responsibility to stay before the throne, available with an open heart and an open mind. It is your responsibility to stay in your Word and apply its fruit. It is your responsibility to maintain attitudes of praise and positions of worship. 

In order to be still, in order to wait on God without prolonging your wait, the key is to know that he is God. Know it to the point where you believe it. Your belief in the truth that he is God places trust in him to be God. In a way where faith silences any struggle, any doubt, any fear, any guilt. It puts to naught anything that would oppose your stance of obedience, your stance to stand still and be still.

See, once you trust that God is God and that “the thoughts that he thinks towards you are good and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope,” then you will allow him to be so without any interference. As a result, standing still becomes not only possible, and achievable, but easier. Since we serve a God who moves based on your belief, understand that your trust in him makes room for him to “be exalted among the nations, and be exalted in the earth.” It makes room for him to move in such a glorious way that he not only moves for you, but he moves in a way that causes edification in you while he glorifies himself in the process. 

Be still family, God’s got this. He’s got every single situation and he knows more about the situation than you do. Be still family. Be still by waiting on God, be still by trusting God. Love you!

Thanks for listening, yet again family! May the Lord bless and keep you throughout your week and make his face shine upon you! Be sure to spread the Word of God to somebody, you never know who needs it.

Week #3

Hey Family! It’s ya girl here and I am bringing to you, yet another clip to feed your faith and charge you to submit, surrender and obey God more effectively!

This week, the Holy Spirit wanted me to talk about Fear. 

What's holding you back from doing what God purposed you to do? Is fear crippling your purpose?

Fear is one spirit that we all can attest to dealing with. It can feel overpowering, it can feel crippling, and it can be imprisoning. Though any spirit can cause bondage and stagnation in its own way, fear will cause bondage in a way that will hold you up, hinder you and block you from seeing the truth about who you are and what you are here to do. Fear has prevented many of us from fulfilling our purpose and our assignments. It has stopped many from seeing that we can fulfill them and even that we are created and equipped to do just that. Yet, the Bible says,

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

II Timothy 1:7 NKJV

This means that he has given us the power to take authority over fear. He has given us the power to cast it down, the power to overcome it, the power to press past it because "he who is in us is greater than he who is in the world." Meaning, that the God that we have in us is more powerful than anything that can come to attack us, kill us, steal from us, or destroy us, and the power of God is activated through us with our profession.

The scripture tells us that God has given us love not the spirit of fear because “there is no fear in love and perfect love casts out all fear. Fear is tormenting,” but love covers, forces out, and lifts fear because love will invoke faith, courage, and hope.

It tells us that God has given us a sound mind not the spirit of fear. As the Word says and I have written just now, fear is tormenting. It is mental warfare. It causes us to have a lack of rest, a lack of peace. It causes us to fight against our own sanity at times. However, it is because of the love of God, through the power of God that God has given us a sound mind. A mind that adapts the mind of Christ. A mind aligned to execute the power of Christ that would cast down every fear that exalts itself against the mind of Christ. Understand that the mind of Christ does not have room or tolerance for torment, worry, or anxiety. The Bible says that “anxiety in the heart of man causes depression but a good word makes it glad” and to “cast all our cares upon him for he cares for us.” So, we don’t have to choose to give in to fear and worry, we don’t have to be anxious about anything. Not what we should eat, drink, wear, say, do, how we are going to do it, or even about tomorrow because as we rest in God and wait patiently in him, he shall renew our strength and exchange the fear of the what if’s, the fear of the how to’s with a sound mind; a mind that is his mind. Just the same as he allows us to exchange our yokes and our burdens with his.

Sometimes, the fear of how we are going to birth something or the fear of if we can do it can be a fight. Sometimes, it can seem overwhelming but if God put it in you, it’s designed to come about as a result of you. So, know that he already knew what you would lack and he still made the provision for you to accomplish it. You just have to choose to keep working and growing in him, allowing him to love you, love on you as he gives you a sound mind and empowers you. Then watch him move on your behalf as you fulfill his desires for your life. See, ultimately we are destined to succeed and overcome because that’s how he made us, that’s what he expects from us, that’s what he has planned for us. So, it shall happen because heaven backs what it intended, it backs what God planned. The Bible says that his word will not return to him void but it will accomplish what he pleases, so your assignment is not only possible but it is already written in stone. Meant to become what God said it shall become, meant to achieve what God said it shall accomplish. Don’t allow fear, the fear of failure to hinder, confuse, sabotage, or affect what God has already spoken to be prosperous. Just walk out the journey knowing, living, and fighting like you’ve already fulfilled the expectations of the Master because his utterance and work have already established that you have. 

Thanks for listening, yet again family! May the Lord bless and keep you throughout your week and make his face shine upon you! Be sure to spread the Word of God to somebody, you never know who needs it. 

Week #4

Hey Family! It’s ya girl here and I am bringing to you, yet another clip to feed your faith and charge you to submit, surrender and obey God more effectively!

This week the Holy Spirit told me to tell you, “Have Relentless Faith.”

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,

I Peter 1:6‭-‬7 NKJV

While you are growing through the various trials of life, while going through hell, the greatest position you can have is not just ordinary faith, but relentless faith. Faith that is determined, faith that is resilient. Faith that is durable. Faith that is unwavering. Faith that is inflexible. Faith that is incessant. Faith that will choose to keep standing despite opposition. Faith that supersedes yourself. Faith that stands beyond your thoughts, your opinions, and your fears.

We need the kind of faith that will cause us to hold on. The kind of faith that will make us press relentlessly when the enemy seems relentless in our destruction. See, sometimes we gotta righteously match his level of resilience, not in a way that we stoop to his level and act like him, but in a way that won’t retract because of him or because of intimidation by him. In a way that forces him to cease, to stop because he has no opportunity or opening to cause us to waver. In a way where he can’t keep coming, keep attacking and keep persecuting because he knows that he has no chance to be victorious. Our faith has to be so rooted, so sturdy that the only outcome is victory. James says, “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Sometimes resistance requires us to have enough faith to withstand multiple pulls, multiple forces, and multiple blows. Sometimes it has to be so rooted, so sturdy that it stays resistant long enough for our enemy to flee.

Relentless faith causes an effect. It commands change. It is the kind of faith used to operate in the power of the Holy Ghost where what you believe becomes what is manifested as you confess what you believe.

So Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done.

Matthew 21:21 NKJV

Relentless faith builds and though its process is tedious, its result is fruit. The fruit of relentless, unwavering, immovable faith, the fruit of patience, the fruit of strength, and the fruit of growth.

knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.

James 1:3 NKJV

But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

Relentless faith births results. It births victory and it causes manifestation because in order to acquire relentless faith you have to allow the pain of the process to fortify you. Fortification bridges the gap between faith and manifestation.

And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.

Hebrews 6:15 NKJV

So, in this day, in this hour, at the moment when it feels like all hell has broken loose, our best bet is to not lose faith, not lose hope. Our best bet is to ground our faith like never before and choose to stand in it like never before. We have to make a conscious and determined choice to do so because it is in the relentlessness of our faith that God will be moved to work a miracle. Be it unto you, according to your faith. Hold on!

Thanks for listening, yet again family! May the Lord bless and keep you throughout your week and make his face shine upon you! May his peace and love saturate your every being! Be sure to spread the Word of God to somebody, you never know who needs it. 


I pray that each week was a blessing. I believe that your spirits are charged even more and that you are encouraged to keep pressing. I believe that you’ve taken something with you that has quickened you and that is eternal. May the Lord Bless and keep you!

Remember that you are coming through whatever you are enduring right now. Remember that you are refined fire. You’ve been refined as fire so that you could become fire and go out and be the fire that you’ve become as you live as the salt of the earth. Blessings!

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Hey, hey, hey family! There is more ministry where this comes from.

*For FREE: 

Refined Fire sends out weekly emails to charge your faith and feed your spirit. To sign up, send an email to refinedfire22@gmail.com 

Subject: I want more of God

In the email: Write your name

We will keep you in prayer as well. If you have a specific request, please write it in the email with your name.

*On Amazon:

We have prayer journals and Bible study journals on Amazon. The owner, Indria Sanders, also has devotionals that come as a workbook and a Children’s Book of Affirmations for our young Kingdom Princesses. Links are below. 


Lily of the Valley: Prayer Journal 


Prayer Journal: "Come to Me"  a.co/d/hdkitbx

Scripture Meditations: A Bible Study Journal a.co/d/5ISSkJA


Look to the hills: 6-Day Devotional: "Building and Fortifying Hope into Faith for Manifestation" a.co/d/3BgM8LM

God Cares: "A Glimpse Inside of the Heart of God" a.co/d/ccr1jcC

Children's Book of Affirmations:

The Me Within: "A Pledge For A Kingdom Princess" a.co/d/5x80RQ4

*Refined Fire:

We also have an online Christian Apparel store. Where you have the opportunity to represent the kingdom and the king with what you wear.


Don’t forget to check out our store and tell a friend!


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Please distinguish why you are sowing in the subject line. God Bless!

I want this!

Growth happens as we choose to practice righteousness daily. Growth is ineffective if faith is lost. This mini ebook entails some of the faith charge moments that Refined Fire sends weekly. The goal is edification as we charge you to walk in faith and truth daily.

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